Street Pushball
Street Pushball
2007-2008, lithographic prints, sculpture
Street Pushball (or Carboball) is a game played with a three-part ball (height 1.83 m) designed in the form of the carbon dioxide molecule. The ball is produced in situ right before the game with donated by the audience red and black clothes.
The flash mob team can number between eight and twenty players that are organized in forwards, left-wings, right-wings and some reserves.
A goal is realized when the team manages to place the ball in the middle of a crossroad (the opponents territory) and the team receives extra points if the crossroad is particularly busy. The most important safety requirement is that the ball is pushed fast and placed very quickly in the middle on the crossroad.
The concept of te game is developed by Petko Dourmana in 2008, as an upgrade of the traditional Pushball game.
The game was introduced for first time to audience in the Central Art Academy in Beijing, China in the frame of "Summit on Arts, Culture and Climate Change" organized by Asia-Europe Foundation from 9 to 12 October 2008.