Bluetooth Graffiti
2006, tactical media project
The project uses a software patch installed on a Linux bootable CD, which can be started on a PC or Mac computer. With this patch, one sets up a Bluetooth node. In addition, one needs 3-4 bluetooth dongles and print materials (flyers, stickers, posters) to make the passers by aware about the existence of the node.
Using Bluetooth technology embedded in many mobile communication devices, visitors who have this functionality on their cell phones are invited to activate it and to explore and collectively create together virtual space. They can send and receive visual and audio fragments which recast the history and memory of politically charged public sites.
Bluetooth technology is highly open for communication and in this sense it can be likened to graffiti. As graffiti in public space confronts passers-by with intentional messages, Bluetooth_Graffiti addresses notions of presentation space vs. private space and representations of time and space visually and virtually.
Past realizations of Bluetooth_Graffiti:
transmediale.07 unfinish!
January 31 – February 4, 2007
Akademie der Kuenste
Hanseatenweg 10, Berlin
Mobile Studios Project
May 21-29 2006
Alexander Battenberg Square, Sofia
Bent Festival
April 19-23 2006
15 Nassau Street, New York City
On Difference #2” Exhibition
February 17 – April 30 2006
Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart